Breathing Air Equipment Specialists
Local Cairns company providing service & supply for over 25 years
We specialise in the supply & service of:
Breathing Air HP Compressors
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Breathing Air Cylinders
Hire of Breathing Apparatus
Emergency Escape Breathing Devices
Breathing Air Sample Analysis
Hydrostatic Testing & Certification
Servicing of Individual Components
Self-contained breathing apparatus
Cairns Safe Air carries out inspections & annual pressure tests of all major brands and current styles of SCBA and emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD sets) on the Australian market.

We are a certified partner of 3M Scott
Our breathing air is regularly tested to verify that it meets standards AS2299:2015, AS1715:2019, Qld Diving Code 2018

HP Air Compressors
We are a certified partner of Bauer Kompressoren

II 100 L/min

320 L/min

150-320 L/min & Verticus 450-680 L/min
Hydrostatic Testing
CSA has a Registered Gas Cylinder Test Station certified by Global-Mark
We provide hydrostatic testing for all seamless compressed gas cylinders from small bailout cylinders, SCBA cylinders to G size storage cylinders.
Breathing air quality testing
Testing is conducted by our technicians using the Dräger Breathing Air Test Method
Work Health and Safety Law requires that breathing air must meet specified requirements and tested to an agreed schedule as per Queensland DIVING CODE / AUSTRALIAN STANDARD – AS2299:2015 Commercial Diving & AUSTRALIAN STANDARD – AS1715:2009 Breathing Apparatus.
The industries we supply & service
But not limited to are:


Food Processing
